"Shadows of Struggle" is a powerful and thought-provoking piece of art that serves as a commentary on the poverty cycle in America, highlighting the stark inequality and drawing attention to this disheartening reality that more people in Bangladesh are escaping poverty than in the United States.

The artwork features a black and white American flag, a symbol of national identity that has been transformed to reflect the somber and complex issue it represents. The flag's monochromatic color scheme represents the stark contrast between wealth and poverty, with the absence of vibrant colors symbolizing the bleakness and lack of opportunities that many Americans face.

Upon closer inspection, the black and white stripes of the flag bleed into one another depicting scenes of struggle, depicting the challenges and hardships faced by impoverished communities in the United States. The stars on the flag and also melting representing the countless individuals caught in the poverty trap.

"Shadows of Struggle" is a poignant reminder of the urgency to address poverty and inequality within America, challenging viewers to confront the societal issues that perpetuate the cycle of poverty. It calls for a collective effort to create a more equitable society, where everyone has access to opportunities and resources needed to break free from the chains of poverty and build a brighter future. Through this artwork, the artist encourages reflection and action, emphasising the need for compassion and empathy to uplift marginalized communities and build a nation where everyone can thrive.

“Shadows of Struggle”

Acrylic on Canvas 35.5” x 23.5”

With over 40 million people in poverty in the U.S. is the American dream is a nightmare?


