"Urban Mosaic: The Teenage Clicks” is a vibrant and captivating artwork that explores the complexity of technology & teenage identity against the backdrop of a colorful graffiti landscape. The artwork features a teenage boy looking away, depicted blending into the angles of the graffiti that engulfs him reflecting multifaceted nature of adolescence. Each angular line outlining the figure showcases a different facet of his personality, emotions, and aspirations. Some images capture moments of joy and enthusiasm, while others reveal moments of introspection and uncertainty. This visual repetition embodies the idea that during adolescence, identity is constantly evolving, and teenagers are in the process of shaping their sense of self.

The use of bold and diverse colors in the background symbolizes the bustling and energetic urban environment, where graffiti becomes he  the visual language of the streets. The graffiti serves as a metaphor for the cacophony of influences and messages that bombard young people as they navigate their path to self-discovery. The graffiti background, with its vibrant tags and abstract designs, represents the external pressures and societal expectations that can influence teenagers' perceptions of themselves. Amidst this colorful chaos, the teenage boy emerges as a bold central figure, suggesting his individuality and resilience amidst the noise of the chaotic world around him.

"Urban Mosaic: Teenage Clicks" is a celebration of diversity and individuality, reminding viewers of the importance of embracing the unique qualities of each teenager. It encourages empathy and understanding coming of age in the Information Age, recognizing that the journey to self-discovery can be challenging and overwhelming. The artwork invites contemplation about the impact of urban environments on the identity formation of young individuals and prompts a reflection on the role of society in shaping teenage experiences.

Overall, "Urban Mosaic: Teenage Clicks" is a captivating and expressive artwork that celebrates the complexity of teenagehood while highlighting the powerful influence of urban environments and graffiti art in shaping the ever-changing mosaic of youth identity.

2000 “Urban Mosaic: Teenage Clicks”- 50” x 37” Acrylic + Emulsion on canvas -Private commission


