"Harmony in Diversity" is a piece of art that serves as a poignant critique of nationalism while promoting the ideals of multiculturalism. The artwork features a central image of a Union Jack made up of different tape, colours and textures, symbolizing the diverse and interconnected fabric of uk society. Each strip of tape in the tapestry represents a different culture, ethnicity, and background, emphasizing the beauty of coexistence.

The vibrant colours highlight the rich diversity of the uk and their unique identities. However, this Union Jack flag is partially obscured and fragmented, symbolizing how nationalism can sometimes divide and isolate communities, creating barriers that hinder progress and understanding.

The greens and yellows of the artwork depicts a serene and peaceful landscapes referencing Blake; ‘Englands green pleasant land’ showcasing the potential for unity and collaboration when people embrace multiculturalism through nature It serves as a reminder that embracing our differences can lead to a harmonious and inclusive society, where everyone's unique contributions enrich the whole.

"Harmony in Diversity" challenges viewers to question the divisive aspects of nationalism and encourages embracing multiculturalism as a powerful force that fosters empathy, understanding, and global unity. Through this artwork, the artist calls for a world where diversity is celebrated and appreciated, transcending borders and creating a more interconnected and compassionate global community.

2010 "Harmony in Diversity" private commission

40” x 30” tape, Ink, spray paint on canvas

By “nationalism” I mean first of all the habit of assuming that human beings can be classified like insects and that whole blocks of millions or tens of millions of people can be confidently labelled “good” or “bad.” But secondly—and this is much more important—I mean the habit of identifying oneself with a single nation or other unit, placing it beyond good and evil and recognizing no other duty than that of advancing its interests. - George Orwell


